Thursday, November 28, 2019
Las Vegas Trip free essay sample
Finding your going to the wrong Las Vegas, having to drive a car that looked more like a dump than a motor vehicle, and almost getting hit by lighting. Couldn’t be any worse right? When I finally got to my hotel, I realized that I was dead wrong. Words cannot describe how horrific the place was, but I’ll do my best to get you close to what it looks like. Imagine your typical haunted house. Got it? Okay, now take that house, sink it in a mud hole, pull it out, and let wild dogs run through it. I think you get the picture. After I had gotten over the shock of where I was to stay, Louis took my luggage up to my room, I gave him a tip, and he drove off. That was the last time I saw Louis. Now I didn’t know what to do? This was not the Las Vegas everyones knows, this was the las vegas that people didn’t think even exist. We will write a custom essay sample on Las Vegas Trip or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page â€Å"grrrr†my stomach growled. †Oh man! I am hungry†I then left my hotel room and started to explore the hotel. I was on the top floor of the hotel so I took an elevator down to the lobby area. When I was walking around the only sound of life I saw was these guys talking to each other, but I couldn’t understand a word they said. So I left to go check their outdoor swimming pool. I knew something was going to go wrong at the swimming pool and I was right. â€Å"Wow! †I said so surprisingly. There it was a 12 ft deep pool of weird-looking water with seaweed looking stuff all around. â€Å"Howdy†someone said. There he was a crinkle-up little man sunbathing in the sun. â€Å"Ummm. hey†I said shyly. â€Å"Wanna come hangout with me? hLas Vegas Trip Who knew that a trip to Las Vegas could be so tragic? As a matter of fact, who knew that an all-expense-paid-three-day-vacation to Las Vegas would be a mistake to accept? I really should read the fine print or any print for that matter, But when I called the radio station as the 95th caller. I won. When I got to the airport, I noticed that my plane ticket was to Albuquerque. Albuquerque? Are you serious ? Remember when Bugs Bunny used to always take wrong left turns there? It turns out that I was about to do the same. I read the radio station’s letter as I sat on the Plane. â€Å"Las Vegas , New Mexico? Are you serious? †I yelled at the flight attendant. â€Å"Bushleague. †6 hours later i finally arrived in Albuquerque, New Mexico. As I got my luggage I saw a man with my name on it so I started to head his way. â€Å"Hi. †I said. â€Å"Hola Senor†He said in his spanish accent. â€Å"Are you Tom John? †â€Å"Why, yes I am. †I said back. â€Å"Welcome to Albuquerque. †He said cheerfully. â€Å"May I ask? What is your name? †I asked. â€Å"My name is Luis the 3rd. †Luis replied. â€Å"So how far is Las Vegas from here? I questioned. â€Å"It is 120 Miles Tom†Luis said. â€Å"Well Lets get to it! †I said trying to sound excited. â€Å"Luis and I started to head out of the airport. I then saw the machinery we were taking it ws a small red truck that looked like it was going to fall apart at any minute. I got into the truck hesitantly, and Luis smiled as he took my luggage from me and put it in the bed of the truck. â€Å"Have you ever visited Las Vegas before? †Luis asked me as he got in the car and began driving. We continued making small talk until the rain started. It started pouring rain and we could see lightning hitting trees that happened to be in the field we were dining next to. The next flash of lightning of thunder came at almost the exact same time and lit a tree on fire that was literally less than 10 feet away from us. e said. â€Å"Ummm. I have to go soon. So probably next time I see you. †I said then quickly left. â€Å"ok boy†he said as I quickly left the room. I then went up to my room and just lay on the bed. I couldnt believe that I have to stay here for another 3 days. From a tiring day I then fell into a deep sleep. All of a sudden I woke up. yawnnnn†I said as I stretched. I then looked at my phone and saw I had slept for 12 hours. It was just about the afternoon. I then got up and got ready for the day. I then tried to think of things I could do in this place but none came in mind. I then decided to stay in my room for the rest of my vacation. When it got time to go I quickly as possible tried to go to t he airport and fly home. I finally arrive home. â€Å"Hi, how was your trip? †curiously said my mom. â€Å"Oh it was ok. †I explained. Now for the rest of my life I will never listen to the radio station. THE END.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Reading is an interactive process Essay Example
Reading is an interactive process Essay Example Reading is an interactive process Essay Reading is an interactive process Essay Reading is an interactive process BY Jlopezl 0569 The quote When I am reading a book, whether wise or silly, it seems to me to be alive and talking to me, by Michel de Montaigne means that each book has a meaning and can relate to the reader in a way. Most authors can also relate to this quote. For example, Sherman Alexie, Maureen Corrigan, Anna Quindlen, and Gwendolyn Brooks saw reading as love, companionship, and a way of life. This shows that reading can be an interactive process. Author Sherman Alexie says his father loved to read. Since he loved his father with such devotion, he decided to love reading as well. He was young when he realized what a paragraph was. He understood a paragraph as a fence that held words together for a common purpose. For example, his family was a fence, his school was a fence, and even the world had different fences. Sherman says that he would read at night, at recess, and when his family would travel. When he read it was like he was trying to save his life. Now he is a writer that tries to help other people save their ives as well. Maureen Corrigan says that she was a really shy kid. She says that reading offered her companionship and an escape. As well as Sherman, she wanted to be like her father, who loved reading. She says that people can get a glimpse of different experiences and their world can be enlarged. While other kids were learning to sound out words in class, she was reading ahead of her classroom books. Anna Quindlen also has her own points of view. When she was small, she had always sensed that she should be somewhere else. She decided to go places through books. She went to England in the book Middlemarch and A Little Princess. She also went to houses with high ceilings and dramatic scenes. It was like a place she lived in, and it felt real to her. Anna learned who she was, what she liked, and what she dreamed about. Reading is her own world, where she can happily live. The passage To Young Readers, by Gwendolyn Brooks says that books are like bandages. These bandages help heal and create new types of feelings that bring the eaders into the light and away from the dark. She also says that readers are nourished guest. They read a book and get Juicy details and experiences. Then the reader moves on to the next book, and so on. Reading gives the reader a chill making them wonder what will happen next in the story. It also makes them feel like they are living in their characters lives as if it is also a part of their own. Everyone relates to books in different ways, but that doesnt stop people from enjoying them.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Delivery Service in Houston Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Delivery Service in Houston - Research Paper Example Most of the public services in the city of Houston are offered by the state government and funded through several governmental and private sources. The east side of Houston City is the least inhabited area of Houston and the area is served by the government with transport provided through trams and buses which are subsidized by the government (Rauscher 77). Another area is the Inner Loop East which is served with public transport; this section is characterized by several housing projects which have been initiated by private developers with the interest of providing housing to the city’s residents (Mech 43). Inner Loop South is another area in the city of Houston and this region consists of black and white population with the sector predominantly occupied by black population. Inner Loop West is another area in the city of Houston whereby most of the city’s people reside in, this section is mainly served by houses built using public funds (Leonard 94). The other remaining areas of the North and West sides of Houston are well developed in terms of infrastructure and this presents very few challenges in development. In most areas of Houston, the youth are excluded in the public programs and thus a major intervention program is to be designed to cater for the youth (Chung 56). Young people especially those loving in home care homes are very vulnerable in their pursuit for better lives as grown people. Youth Program in Houston The youth are among the most vulnerable people in the society today and the role they play in the society is extremely important. In the city of Houston, there are very many young people who live in foster homes. These children are of mixed race and gender but they do face the same challenges in the pursuit of living good lives. One of the biggest challenges that these children face is that of finding ways and means of fending for their daily needs. As a result, a Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) program was initiated to cater f or the needs of these young people as they grow to become adults (Bales 88). This program focused on youths who were transitioning from state care homes into independent young people in the society. The program was based at the Houston Alumni and Youth Center (HAY) on the North side of Houston (Garrett 41). The program is to be funded from different sources including the US Department of Labor’s Employment and Training administration. The program would also source funds from well known US grants groups and from private companies interested in training young people (Watson 60). In sourcing funds the program would also rely on sponsorships from large American Corporations like Chevron Texaco or Exxon Mobil which supports community based projects (Pearson 82). Since the program is community based with intentions of helping young people it is important for stakeholders in this project to conduct fundraising initiatives. The program is meant to benefit young people who have been a bandoned or rescued and cared for in foster homes. As a result, several employees will be hired to take care of these children and these employees will include teachers, religious leaders, care givers and mentors (Brooks 45). All these people will be important in the educating these youths on different aspects of life and at the same time mentoring the youth on important issues in the life empowerment. In the implementation of the project, the stakeholders will link
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Income inequality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Income inequality - Essay Example In simplest terms, because moral inequality causes harm, and has little to no mitigating positive effects to society, then it is morally wrong (Krugman). This is the same reasoning used by Frank, framed another way, by pointing out that in fact income inequality is a moral issue because in fact economics was the child of moral philosophy, being born into existence by moral philosophers. Income inequality being a subject that falls within the discipline of economics, it makes sense that at its very root income inequality is a moral issue (Frank). The social Darwinist position on income inequality is that it is in essence the way nature operates, revealed in the workings of the economic system of human beings in society. This being so, the social Darwinists argue that the best course is to essentially leave things as they are, and to let people do as they please and according to what they see as working to their best interest, and see how things go. The government making attempts to ad dress social inequalities, such as inequalities in income, does not work for the best interest of society, because it would go against the working of nature. In the area of income inequality, Frank and Krugman each in their own way point out the natural practical consequences of the Darwinist position. Where a few manage to get a substantial portion of the economic pie, that few can begin to exert considerable influence on the various political and economic processes in the country, twisting the processes for their own gain. These are the modern lobbies. Frank points out that it is this strong influence of the few and the rich that has led to the Darwinist position yielding reduced tax rates for those who are already wealthy, in turn further increasing inequality in income. Krugman has his own examples of the impact of the Darwinist position and the chronically strong power of moneyed interests in corrupting the political process, mirroring the example of Frank. One such case cited by Krugman is with regard to the awarding of tax breaks to hedge funds by the legislative branch, even if such tax breaks resulted in revenue losses for the government. The hedge funds were big contributors to the political campaigns of the lawmakers who voted in favor of the tax breaks. It is essentially the working out of the Darwinist position in real life. The powerful hedge funds, working for their own interests, have been able to bend the political and legislative process to favor them (Frank; Krugman). The gist of the arguments against income inequality on the other hand, are those that speak of the many harms that income inequality pose on society, on various levels, as itemized and discussed in some depth by Krugman. The first is that income inequality fosters social inequality, and social inequality in turn breeds its own ills. Including that it forces families across all economic groups to be part of a treadmill of trying to keep up with each other economically, with disa strous socially negative consequences in turn. The rat race has resulted in more bankruptcies as parents try to fight for space in neighborhoods that can give their children a leg up in the race too, by being able to go into good schools in good school districts, as an example. Elsewhere data suggests that parent status correlates with the educational outcomes of children too, further elevating the pressure on parents to compete and win the rat race, for their children's sake.
Monday, November 18, 2019
How does fashion shape social identities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
How does fashion shape social identities - Essay Example Clothing is considered to have a significant influence on the social construction of identity of human beings. With choices of clothing being available, the different cultures are interpreted by individuals in order to choose their clothing. This includes the norms of appearance of an individual at a particular time based on different cultures and other alternatives available for rich fashion (Crane 2012). Clothing or fashion is said to imply the way individuals perceive themselves and their positions in the society. In the earlier times, clothing was the means that was associated with an individual’s representation of himself to the world. Over the years, other factors have been associated with clothing such as education, religion, occupation and class in the society. Clothes generally reflect the different types of societies and the different roles and positions of individuals existing within the societies (Crane 2012). According to social constructionists, the social world is represented as a set of connections that is brought about by the human beings through time, place, and form. As far as fashion marketing is concerned, it has been observed that marketers tend to focus on the sense of the consumers and their identities and segmenting them accordingly (Hines and Bruce 2012). Social identity is essential in interpreting the type of clothes worn by an individual. The use of clothes and fashion has been considered as a code to determine the identity of the person. If a certain individual is wearing clothes of a certain brand, it gives an impression of the individual and hence a social identity is created. However, for young individuals, it is difficult to create social constructions based on their fashion as their choices would vary with the options available to them. Differences in perceptions for branded and unbranded products also largely influence they manner in which people clothes and hence their
Friday, November 15, 2019
Advantages of organizational behaviour in an organization
Advantages of organizational behaviour in an organization Introduction Management deals with people, their ideas and things related to them. In a simple form management can be defined as the art of things getting done through people in groups organized formally [8]. Management is the process where groups of people are involved in performance of organized activities. In an organization with a large number of employees the process of management directs the managers to perform some functions such as planning, staffing, controlling, organizing and directing to get things done by others. Organizational behavior can be used to improve the management practices for influencing the employees effectively and working with them. Management is the key to obtaining organizational effectiveness. Organizational effectiveness depends on meeting the rapid changing requirements of the organization such as having the right people for the right job and at the right time. It helps understand the production and behavioral control in an organization. The study of organizational behavior in an organization has the following advantages: It helps to expand the horizon of management. It helps improve the organizational performance in line with the individual performance which include reward systems, leadership, motivation etc., It helps develop commitment among the employees to achieve their personal goals thereby achieving the goals of the company. It helps to understand, predict and control the behavior in the organization. There are numerous factors that determine the successful performance in an organization, but for our discussion we will consider few important factors which are as follows: Recruitment and Selection Training and development Reward through proper Performance Appraisal System Effective Communication Skills Developing Dedication by Motivating employees Also, there are many factors that contribute to the changing nature of work at organization, but the two main factors are: Current market scenario requires organizations to be more competitive and customer focused, hence there is an increased pressure on the organization The breakthrough in IT and communication is another factor. For example mobile and internet have made work to be separated from time and space. Organizations have changed their focus and their main principles are: Defining vision and values from the consumers perspective Creating a value chain i.e., defining activities and process that add value to customers and link them Remove activities that add no value to the organization. Reducing inefficiencies in the tasks in an organization. These principles have added value to the organization enabling them to respond rapidly to customers needs and supporting change and encouraging innovation. I would also be discussing the various changes in the nature of modern work environment relevant to the factors Ive stated above. Recruitment and Selection[5] Recruitment is process in which a qualified and suitable person is selected for a job in a company. The recruitment process is the responsibility of the HR department and various methods are available for this process such as interviews, aptitude test, questionnaires etc., It is a forming phase and is the most difficult phase for the managers. Let us consider the recruitment and selection process at Tesco. There are different ways through which Tesco advertises its vacancies. It first advertises its vacancy internally through intranet for two weeks. This provides an opportunity for the current employees looking for a change at the same level or for a promotion. Tesco advertises its vacancies on the web at for external recruitment. It also displays vacancy boards on its stores. For managerial positions the applications are made online. The applicants chosen will have to first undergo an interview and for the final stage they will have attendance at the assessment centre. A waiting list of applicants is prepared by the stores and as the jobs become available candidates are finalized. Specialist jobs as bakers and pharmacists are advertised externally through the following means: Through the web and offline media Through television and radio Through advertisements in newspapers and magazines. As many other companies Tesco also looks forward for cost- effective way of attracting applicants. Though advertising on media and magazines is expensive but sometimes this becomes essential to attract suitable people for the vacancy. Selection can be defines as selecting the most suitable person from the list of candidates who have applied for the vacancy taking into consideration the laws and regulations of employment. Screening is an important part of the selection process and ensures that the selected candidates for the interview will be best suited for the job. There are different stages in the screening process. In the first stage, the selectors at Tesco look through the CVs of the applicants as this briefs the candidates education and job history. A CV helps to assess whether the candidate meets the specification for the job. Screening is followed by the candidate who attends the assessment centre. This process takes place either in store and are run by managers. The candidates are assessed through various exercises such as team work and problem solving. This also provides consistency in the selection process. In the modern work environment, the selection and recruitment process has become more sophisticated and detailed to opt for the best knowledge and skills in the market. The number of screening processes that organizations hold to select the right candidates has increased and also the type of tests have become more radical in their approach. Tests such as psychological evaluation and stress interviews are a common practice in todays work environment. Training and Development Training is very essential for the newly recruited employees. It is also very essential for the employees already employed so that their skills are up to date and in line with the latest trends and technologies. Training is becoming an essential part of every organization these days. Employees are made to undergo training programs in order to maximize their potential to meet organization goals. Lets us consider Barclays for our case study here. Training is a very crucial task for the Human Resource department at Barclays. The main reason for this being the induction program helps employees understand the various policies and the structure of their jobs. This will also give employees enough time to adjust themselves to the environment in the organization together with inducing new ideas and skills in the employees. Training is the most difficult and challenging part in the organization as it is a continuous process where the trainer acting as a change agent makes trainees get familiar with the new organization. The following are the main training aims at Barclay: It helps to increase the level of confidence and motivation in employees It creates a feeling of achievement and personal satisfaction Improves the quality of staff and improves their skills. The above are the contributing factors that the help the HR achieve their goal of making the employees feel a part of the organization. Selecting a suitable a trainer is a very challenging issue as he a middleman between the employees and the organization. The trainer has the following responsibilities. The trainer must assess the need for training the individual and set up a training program for the employee in order to reach the ultimate goal of the organization. He must design the training program. The most important task at Barclays Plc is group participation. Hence the main aim of the trainer would be to encourage this task. The trainer acts as a messenger between the employees and the management. The trainer must make sure that the newly learned skills are being practically applied. He will decide the need for further training on the basis of the current performance appraisal. In the modern work environment employees are keener on keeping themselves in touch with the latest technological development. They always pick up skills and enhance their knowledge quotient so as to face the growing competition in the current work environment. Therefore employing training and development schemes would be easier and would improve the overall quality of the workforce. Performance Appraisal and Reward System Performance appraisal is a process where performance of an employee is assessed in terms of expected goals set for them. On the basis of performance appraisal the company decides promotions, terminations, the level of supervision and the duties and responsibilities to be assigned to the employees. During the phase of performance appraisal the actual performance of the employees is assessed and evaluated. The HRM is responsible for the performance appraisal and it is its duty to pass the information accurately and impartially to the management so that necessary and future corrective measures can be taken. The HRM faces the following issues during performance appraisal: Recognition and identification of an employees strengths and weaknesses. This will help to utilize the strengths more effectively and the necessary steps to be taken to overcome the individuals weakness. In certain cases employees should be given full effort, hence the HRM should identify the problems which are causing this. This also provides information needed for HR planning and act as an input to the HR department. This acts as a basis to make decisions such as strategies and future long term objectives. It is the duty of the human resource management to create a method of performance appraisal and system of reward. The method created should be in line with the objectives of training and development program. Defined standards should be set to measure performance. The HRM should decide who will be using the appraisal method and appraised by the method created. The HRM should gather feedback from the employees about the appraisal method created, this will act as source of boosting the employees morale. This will help the employees assess their strengths and weakness. This will further encourage the employees to do better to get a reward from the organization. Employees in the organization try to do tasks that will not alone get them rewards in the form of bonuses and incentives but recognition in form of certificates and medals and also appraisal for doing something new and innovative. This will help motivate the employees. In the case of Barclays the reward system is very important as this will help influence the employees to do something better and innovative. The reward system ultimately acts as a motivational factor for growth in future and is not an easy task. As this depends on the responsibility and the type of job being done.[7] If the performance management system is handled carefully and properly, leads to outstanding performance by employees and increases the level of motivation decreasing the absenteeism lack of morale of employees. Performance appraisal and reward schemes are vital in todays work environment because employees today are more influenced by the corporate lifestyle and are always in the lookout for better job opportunities and hiked salaries. Therefore it is essential for organizations to keep their employees loyal towards them, and the easiest and most effective way of doing it is performance appraisal and reward schemes. Effective Communication Skills Effective communication is nothing but an art of conveying our message clearly to other people. It involves a lot of effort for effective communication as any error or distortion will result in misinterpretation of message. Lack of effective communication may result in lack of information, misunderstandings, employee performance may decrease which may ultimately affect the companys turnover. Ineffective communication may become a source of conflict and frustrate the employees. The managers inability to communicate effectively may lead to the inability of employee not performing well as per the company demands. This happens when the employee is not aware of what is requested of him and ultimately leads employee dissatisfaction. Effective communication has its own benefits in the workplace. Effective communication from managers to employees will result in the employees doing their job well. A good management style together with a positive communication approach will be quite effective in the workplace and will lead to better understanding between the employee and manager. For an organization to be successful communication should happen both internally and externally. Internal communication: between management and employees. External communication: this takes place between staff and clients. Let us consider Vodafone as a case study to illustrate the effective communication skills[3] Internal Communication[2]: this takes place inside the organization between the employees and management. Here the employees act as stakeholders. This communication may take place in any of the forms listed below: Vertically: this the top down approach which happens from the senior employees to juniors associates. The ultimate goal here is to improve the performance of tasks and make the junior employees understand the companys priorities and requirements. Horizontally: this takes places between various teams and across departments. The goal here is to make sure roles are effectively carried out and tasks completed. Intranet with restricted access to people within the business is a great tool for promoting better communication. External communication[1] :this takes place with customers. Vodafone has laid a principle for communication as We will communicate openly and transparently with all of our stakeholders within the bounds of commercial confidentiality. Vodafone believes that this will reduce the barriers to communication. It makes sure that its messages are conveyed both verbally and non verbally. For verbal communication the company has set contact centers so that the staff can be in direct contact with the customers and further giving an opportunity for its staff to talk to the customers about the issues. Non verbal communication can take place through various methods such as advertisements in television, newspapers and other media, the Vodafone logo. This also acts as a method of determining the position of the brand. Further methods of non verbal communication include SMS to contact certain customers. Sales information can be reached out to customers through literature in the Vodafone shops. The many forms of communication through which Vodafone reaches out to its customers are as below: Promotion and sales material- Vodafone makes sure that the advertising material is correct and follows its Business principles. This also helps the information reaches out responsibly to its stakeholders together with promoting its products and services. Awareness and Information: Vodafone promoted the use of mobile phones responsibly in the cars. It took the complex material and translated the information in easy to understand form and made the public aware of the new law and appropriate use of phones in the car. Explanation and guidance: mobile phones have health effects on human beings. But the latest scientific research has something new and Vodafone needs to convey these findings clearly to the customers. Communication in todays work environment is not only important as a means of better process flow but also as a means to bring all the employees together as a single unit. This is really beneficial when the employees have to work in a team environment. In todays work environment, employees have access to social network websites which are capable to increase the bond between employees and improve their effort as a team. Motivation to dedicate Employees A well motivated staff is a key to a productive and pleasant environment in a workplace. Motivating the employees must be one of the key responsibilities of a manager. An effective management and leadership reflect through effective motivation of employees in the workplace. Understanding the human nature is a key to effective employee motivation. The key to performance improvement in an organization is motivation. Motivation is very essential for any business to survive and excel. Motivation is a skill and must be learnt. Performance can be defined as a function of ability and motivation as below Job performance= function (ability)(motivation) Ability depends on education and training. Motivation has the following seven strategies through which it can be initiated: Fair treatment of people Positive and high expectations Discipline Satisfying the needs of the employees Setting goals at work To restructure the jobs Set rewards and recognition for performance Every organization has its own ways to motivate the employees to ensure that goals and targets are reached [4]. Motivation plays a vital role in todays work environment. Due to the cut-throat competition between organizations, it can be seen as a common practice for organizations to hire their rivals best workforce. So as to avoid that, employees need to be motivated not only in terms of their incentives and salary packages for their physical needs, but also with praise and recognition and better work environment to ease their psychological needs. Obstacles to Effective Performance The main obstacles to effective performance in an organization are as follows: Culture Change Conflict Culture Culture is related to beliefs, values and customary ways of doing things. The main reason for employees leaving the company is cultural mismatch. According to the present culture employees are required to have a clear understanding of short term and long term goals. The employees are required to have a shared vision and values as well as being productive and motivated. The organizational culture is determined by the leadership style and practices in an organization and hence plays an important role especially during acquisitions and mergers. Every organization has a set of values and beliefs. When an employee is exposed to a new culture, the individual goes through a state known as culture shock. When the companies merge the employees from the non dominant company need to adapt themselves to the new culture of the dominant company. Let us consider Barclay Plc for instance. Barclay acquired Lehman Brothers and one of the major issues for Barclay after this acquisition is to take into consideration the two different cultures in these two companies. Most of the employees of Lehman Brothers have left Barclay and a few did not join Barclay. This makes it clear that the employees are not ready to adapt to the new values, leadership styles, beliefs and practices of the Barclay culture. One of the biggest challenges to the management at Barclay is to make employees accept the new culture. The change in culture ultimately has an effect on the motivation level of the employees, their commitment to the organization and their engagement in work. Another consequence of an acquisition is that the individuals from the non dominant organization will feel like loss of identity and the others will have a superior feeling. This will ultimately affect the company achieve its goals and objectives. Another major issue of culture when the two organizations were merged is it will divert the attention of the employees and make the less productive. The attention of employees will be diverted to issues such as job security , feeling of discomfort working with new employees. Job security is the main issue as there will be duplication of departments and to manage the staff, the organization can reduce the manpower. The job profiles may be redesigned which may have an impact on the performance of the employees. The employees motivation, attitude and performance are determined by the culture. Motivation and culture go hand in hand. More an employee is motivated; the culture will be healthier. The key factor to be dealt in any organization is motivation. If an employee is not motivated properly then the employee will have problem accepting the new culture which will impact the individuals ability to do the job effectively and efficiently. The company should have flexible culture if a decision of acquisition is taken. This will allow the new employees to adjust to the new culture. Culture reflects the style of management and leadership. A slight change in the values, leadership style and ideas will help the new employees adjust to the new environment. This is not easy task, but since Barclays has taken a decision of merger it should be ready to consider changes in its culture and leadership style. Change Except for change nothing is constant in this world. Every activity in an organization results in some change. It can have a positive or negative effect depending on the communication made through change. The acquisition of Barclay and Lehman Brothers bought together a huge change in both organizations. New strategies and policies, procedures and work environment were created for work in both organizations. Change should involve people and not be imposed on people. Preparing the employees of an organization for change is a very vital task and it is the responsibility of the management to do this. This can be done through various methods such as through oral communication, via training programs or through counseling. The major reason for the Lehman employees leaving Barclays when the two organizations were merged is that the change was not managed properly. The key principles needed when planning to manage change are as follows: Every person reacts to change differently. Each person is different and has its own perceptions and preferences. A few people always look forward to change and new things and it easy to handle them. But it is a very difficult to handle people who always like things the way they were. These kind of people will experience stress and dissatisfaction and negative attitude towards their counterparts preferences. Every person has his own needs and priorities A few people work just for money but a few for the self and social identification. Change can be managed effectively by designing jobs in a better way through job redesign, job rotation management etc. Managing expectations realistically The organization should make clear to its employees that it cannot make everyone happy at the same time and this should be communicated effectively and realistically. The relation between expectations and reality is very important. The management should do the tasks listed below in order to manage change effectively: The management should inspire people and set certain objectives, goals and values for the organization It should set up a communication network such as face to face interaction so that new ideas and policies can be easily communicated. If there are any obstacles in the way of communication then those should be removed as this will help people accept change. Change can be made inevitable by promotions, recruitments and rewards. Conflicts When Barclays merges with Lehman conflicts were natural to arise as people from two different cultures and two different companies were merging. Starting with small disputes, conflicts may reach to higher levels which will ultimately affect the organization. Since the culture of both organizations is different each will have its own ideas, strategies, perspectives and goals. The different types of conflict that may arise when people of two different cultures merge are as follows: Conflict with boss Since the manager has a more experience and bigger perspective it will not be good to encounter conflict with the boss. In order to avoid such a conflict it is better not to question his authority and any ideas and views should be presented in the form of suggestions. Conflict with colleagues Different point of view will lead to conflict between employees. This can be done resolved through proper communication. Conflicts with the subordinates Conflicts can be handles effectively by one of the following ways: Each person should be given freedom to express their views. Conflicts can be sorted to a greater level by identifying positive minded people. Not everyone may have a broad vision as ours. So communicating and discussing our vision will help keep conflicts away. Conclusion The base of any organization depends on the policy, the values, the vision, the philosophy and goals set by the management. These act as the driving force for the organizational culture. Culture in a workplace determines the leadership style, the type of communication and group dynamics within the organization. The employees in the organization perceive the culture as a quality essential at work which has an impact on the degree of the employees motivation. This ultimately affects the performance, personal growth and self development which ultimately affect the organization from achieving its goals. The above discussed concepts such as communication, motivation, culture etc, make up only a small part of the theories of organizational behavior and theory. The success of any organization is determined by the application of the concepts of organizational behavior in the organization. The best way to handle conflicts in a workplace is to address them through discussions and debates. Conflict can have a positive effect within the organization if it is addressed effectively. A successful manager is one who takes time to address and deal with the conflict. This in turn will lead to a healthy and diverse work environment.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Acquisition Strategies in DoD Procurements :: essays research papers
General Considerations Each PM must develop and document an acquisition strategy to guide program execution from initiation through reprocurement of systems, subsystems, components, spares, and services beyond the initial production contract award and during post-production support. The acquisition strategy evolves through an iterative process and becomes increasingly more definitive in describing the relationship of the essential elements of a program. A primary goal of the strategy is to minimize the time and cost it takes, consistent with common sense and sound business practices, to satisfy identified, validated needs, and to maximize affordability throughout a programs useful life cycle. In developing the acquisition strategy, the PM considers all policy guidance contained in the acquisition strategy portion on DoD 5000.2R. In documenting the acquisition strategy, the PM provides a complete picture of the strategy for the decision makers who will be asked to coordinate on or approve the strategy document. The PM ensures the document satisfies the requirements of DoD 5000.2R for the acquisition strategy to identify, address, describe, summarize, or otherwise document specific, major aspects or isues of the program or strategy. The PM develops the acquisition strategy in preparation initiation, prior to the program initiation decision, and updates it prior to all major program decision points or whenever the approved acquisition strategy changes or as the system approach and program elements become better defined. The PM engages the Working –Level Integrated Product Team (WIPT) and Operational Test Agency (OTA) in the development of the acquisition strategy, and obtains concurrence of the Program Executive Officer and Component Acquisition Executive , as appropriate. The Milestone Decision Authority approves the acquisition strategy prior to the release of the formal solicitation. Approval usually precedes each decision point, except at program initiation, when the acquisition strategy usually is approved as part of the milestone decision review. REQUIREMENTS The acquisition strategy provides a summary description of the requirement the acquisition is intended to satisfy. The summary highlights aspects of the requirement (1) driven by family-of-systems or mission area requirements for interoperability, and (2) that reflect dependency on planned capability being achieved by other programs. The summary also states whether the requirement is structured to achieve full capability in time-phased increments or in a single step. For time-phased requirements, define the block about to be undertaken, as well as subsequent blocks. The acquisition strategy identifies approved source documents constituting the authoritative definition of the requirement such as the Operational Requirements Document (ORD), Capstone Requirements Document (CRD), and Acquisition Program Baseline (APB).
Monday, November 11, 2019
“Of Mice and Men†A comparison between the book and film Essay
The similarity between the book and the film â€Å"Of Mice and Men†is most evident. Even so, there are a few differences, some insignificant and other crucial. However, in the majority of the scenes, the dialogs are taken literally from the book. The first difference appears in the introduction of the film. The book starts by describing the surrounding landscape of the Salinas Valley where Lennie and George spend the night by the river. We learn that Lennie is mentally challenged and how this affected their stay at the farm where they previously worked. The film starts, however, by showing Lennie and George escaping from this farm and their journey to Salinas Valley. Another difference that I noticed is concerning Curley’s wife. In the book there is a scene where Lennie, Candy and Crooks are gathered in Crooks’ room. After a while, Curley’s wife emerges and the atmosphere becomes unpleasant. Crooks finds the courage to stand up against her, and when he does, she verbally breaks him down. In the movie this scene never takes place, and by eliminating this incident Curley’s wife’s destructive nature stays unrevealed. The scene where George is about to shoot Lennie is also different in the film than in the book. In the book this episode is long and George has a hard time shooting Lennie. I get the impression that George is hesitating and unsure if this is the right thing to do. In the film the scene is much shorter and George appears considerably more secure . The movie ends with a scene where George and Lennie work together on the little farm that they where planning to buy. This is not in the book at all. Other scenes that were left out in the movie:The scene where Lennie has hallucinations about a giant rabbit and his aunt Clara. The scene after George has killed Lennie. In the book Slim comforts George by taking him for a drink. And the scene where Candy comes into the room when Lennie and Crooks are talking about the little farm they are buying. In the film Crooks never finds out about the little farm. In my opinion both the film and the book has its flaws. In the film some crucial scenes are removed, but I thought that the characters in the movie were better than in the book. In the book, I liked neither George nor Lennie. I got the impression that George was a sensitive and kind man. He always watched over Lennie and tried do the right thing. In the film George is everything he is in the book, but he is also a wise man who people can seek advice from. He has an inquisitive and contemplating look about him. I also liked Lennie better in the movie. In the book he was just a mentally challenged character, but in the film he becomes a person with real feelings and I understand his actions on another level. I believe that this would be a better film if they had shortened it. It seems to me that the film is an unnecessarily prolonged version of the book. On the other hand, taking to many liberties when adapting this modern classic into a film would not be a smart thing to do.. Even so, I still think that the filmmakers should have left out some insignificant scenes. The story however, is brilliant; the irony in the end where George kills Lennie out of love, how the story is composed of four major issues,(the value of dreams and goals, moral responsibility, social injustice, and the bond of friendship and loyalty,) and how loneliness is one of the main emotions. The story is brilliant and genius, and only an outstanding writer like John Stenbeck can create a masterpiece like this.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Sun Also Rises and The Old Man and the Sea †Literature Essay
The Sun Also Rises and The Old Man and the Sea – Literature Essay Free Online Research Papers The Sun Also Rises and The Old Man and the Sea Literature Essay Thesis: In the two books of The Sun Also Rises and The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemmingway uses two very similar ways of writing. As both books revolve around the main character’s relationship with animals. The Old Man and the Sea is a novel that was written in 1952 by Ernest Hemmingway. In The Old Man and the Sea, Santiago has a very close relationship with the fish. The month when the great fish come. Anyone can be a fisherman in May Page 18 Santiago is a fisherman. He is poor, but doesnt complain about it. He is not so happy about his position, but is hard working and has pride. This pride later contributes to his battle with the fish, but this quote illustrates a lot about Santiago, as well as about Hemingway. Although he is poor, Santiago will not borrow, because it leads to begging, but he accepts food the boy Manolin brings him, and says he will thank the bar owner who supplied the food. At this point, Santiago has not caught anything in 84 days, but since he is so determined he goes for the gold. Santiago goes on a fishing trip†¦alone. This is very dangerous for the elderly fisherman because at his age anything could happen and he is in great danger at all times in this tri p. Santiago is a very determined man and is always looking to reach and exceed his goals. Research Papers on The Sun Also Rises and The Old Man and the Sea - Literature EssayMind TravelAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XThe Hockey GameHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationTwilight of the UAWThe Spring and AutumnEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenGenetic Engineering
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Describe That Possible Signs, Symptoms, Indicators and Behaviours That May Cause Concern in the Context of Safeguarding. Essay Example
Describe That Possible Signs, Symptoms, Indicators and Behaviours That May Cause Concern in the Context of Safeguarding. Essay Example Describe That Possible Signs, Symptoms, Indicators and Behaviours That May Cause Concern in the Context of Safeguarding. Essay Describe That Possible Signs, Symptoms, Indicators and Behaviours That May Cause Concern in the Context of Safeguarding. Essay DEFINITION OF CHILD ABUSE An abused child is any child, up to the age of 18, who has suffered from, or is believed likely to be at risk of, physical injury, neglect, emotional abuse, sexual abuse or verbal abuse. (Source: www. yesican. org) It is recognised that that it is abuse when someone inflicts harm or fails to prevent it. Children may be abused in a family or in an institutional or community setting, by those known to them or by a stranger, for example, via the internet. Child abuse can have major long-term effects on all aspects of a childs health, development and well being. The main forms of ill-treatments are: )Physical Abuse Physical abuse is deliberately causing physical harm to a child. This might involve punching; kicking, biting, burning, scalding, shaking, throwing or beating with objects such as belts, whips, or sticks. It also includes poisoning, giving a child alcohol or illegal drugs, drowning or suffocation. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or care r fabricates the symptoms of illness in a child. 1. 1) Signs of Physical Abuse There are certain signs that need to be acknowledged when suspicion arises that physical abuse is occurring: Any injuries not consistent with the explanation given to school staff. Injuries which occur to the body in places which are not normally exposed to falls or rough games Injuries which have not received medical attention Reluctance to change for, or participate in PE or swimming Bruises, bites, burns and fractures, for example, which do not have an accidental explanation The child gives inconsistent accounts for the cause of injuries 1. 2) Possible effects of physical abuse Physical abuse can lead directly to neurological damage, physical injuries, disability and in extreme cases death. Physical abuse has been linked to aggressive behaviour in children, emotional and behavioural problems and learning difficulties. (Source: /www. secasa. co). 2) Emotional Abuse Emotional abuse is where repeated verbal threats, criticism, shouting, lack of love and affection causes a severe adverse effect on a childs emotional development. It consists of communicating to children that they are worthless, unloved, and inadequate or valued. Emotional abuse may include not giving a child opportunities to express their views, deliberately silencing them or making fun of what they say. It may feature inappropriate expectations being imposed on a child, over protection and limitation of exploration and learning, or preventing the child from taking part in normal social interaction. It may also involve seeing or hearing a person being ill-treated and you do not do anything to stop the abuse. With the development of the internet the so called cyber-bullying is another matter that has become prevalent over the past few years; which in turn causes children to frequently feel scared or in danger. 2. 2Signs of possible emotional abuse Depression, aggression, extreme anxiety, changes or regression in mood or behaviour, particularly where a child withdraws or becomes clingy Obsessions or phobias Sudden underachievement or lack of concentration Seeking adult attention and not mixing well with other children Sleep or speech disorders Negative statements about self Highly aggressive or cruel to others Extreme shyness or passivity Running away, stealing and lying 2. 3Possible e ffects of emotional abuse This type of abuse can lead to adverse long-term effects on the child’s development. Emotional abuse has a significant impact on a developing childs mental health, behaviour and self-esteem. This type of abuse is as important as the other three types, and can be detected as the signs are more visible and can be easily detected. Domestic violence, adult mental health problems and parental substance misuse may be features in families where children are exposed to such abuse. (Source: www. nspcc. org. uk) 3) Sexual Abuse Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. This may involve physical contact including penetrative sex, oral sex, masturbation, kissing, rubbing, or touching outside of clothing, or it may involve non-contact activities such as involving children in watching sexual activities, producing or looking at sexual images, encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways, or grooming a child in preparation for abuse (including via the internet). Abusers can be men, women or other children. Between 21% and 36% of sexually abused children will display few or no symptoms (Source: Oates, OToole, Lynch, Stern Cooney, 1994). . 1) Signs of possible sexual abuse Any allegations made by a child concerning sexual abuse The child has an excessive preoccupation with sexual matters and inappropriate knowledge of adult sexual behaviour for their age, or regularly engages in sexual play inappropriate for their age Sexual activity through words, play or drawing Repeated urinary infections or unexplained stomach pains The child is sexua lly provocative or seductive with adults Inappropriate bed-sharing arrangements at home Severe sleep disturbances with fears, phobias, vivid dreams or nightmares which sometimes have overt or veiled sexual connotations Eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia. 3. 2)Possible effects of sexual abuse Behaviour such as self-harm, inappropriate sexual behaviour, sadness, depression and loss of self esteem has all been linked to sexual abuse. The effects of sexual abuse can affect the individual into their adult life. The extent or the severity of each case is determined by the time span of abuse, the more serious the abuse, the younger the child is and the relationship of the child to the abuser. Once sexual abuse has been identified the support of an adult who believes the child helps, starts to help the child understand the abuse and can therefore offer help and protection to the abused child. 4) Neglect Neglect has been described as the â€Å"most serious type of child maltreatment and the least understood†(Crittenden 1999: 67). It is the most common reason for inclusion on the child protection register in the UK. In the year ending 31st March 2006, 43 per cent of child protection registrations in England related to children considered to be at risk of neglect (Source: DfES, 2006) . Neglect is the failure to meet a child’s basic physical and or psychological needs, which is likely to affect the child’s health or development. Neglect is when a parent or carer fails to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter (including exclusion from home or abandonment), medical care, or protection from physical and emotional harm or danger. Additionally failure to ensure access to education or to look after a child because the carer is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, is considered as Neglect. 4. 1Signs of possible neglect Dirty skin, body smells, unwashed, uncombed hair and untreated lice Clothing that is dirty, too big or small, or inappropriate for weather conditions Frequently left unsupervised or alone Frequent diarrhoea Frequent tiredness Untreated illnesses, infected cuts or physical complaints which the carer does not respond to Frequently hungry Overeating junk food 4. 2Possible effects of neglect Neglect can seriously impair a childs health, phys ical and intellectual growth and development, and can cause long term difficulties with social functioning, relationships and educational progress. Extreme cases of neglect can cause death. (Source: nspcc. org. uk/Inform/research/briefings/childneglectpdf_wdf51503. pdf) 5) Bullying Bullying is also recognised as a type of abuse. Bullying is always distressing for the victim and can have serious consequences. Bullying should always be taken seriously. Emotional bullying is the most commonly reported by children and young people and is often more difficult to spot. Bullying can take place both inside and outside of the school. Bullying happens when an individual or a group show hostility towards an individual and this can be: Emotional, such as name-calling, ‘sending to Coventry’ (not talking to someone), taking or hiding personal items, humiliating, spreading rumours or teasing Physical, such as pushing, kicking, hitting, pinching or threatening to use physical force Racist, such as racial taunts or gestures Sexual, such as inappropriate physical contact, sexual comments and innuendo, or homophobic taunts. (Source: nspcc. org. uk) 6) Cyber-bullying In recent years, a new form of bullying known as ‘cyber-bullying’ has become increasingly common. Studies show that one in five children were cyber-bullied in 2008. Cyber-bullying may be emotional, racist or sexual forms of abuse. It happens through emails, text messages or telephone calls. Information about someone may also be shared by putting it on to social networking sites. This can include the sharing of private photographs. (Source: www. avg. com) Children and young people who use this method of bullying often feel disassociated from their actions, but the consequences can be just as serious for the child. This type of bullying can be particularly distressing as children are unable to get away from it, it even invades their home.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Business report on ZARA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Business report on ZARA - Essay Example Zara operates in a highly competitive industry. In analyzing its external environment, this paper will use the PESTEL model, which details the various external factors that favor or affect the general performance of the company. The external factors in the analysis are political factors, economic factors, socio-cultural factors, Technological factors, Environmental factors and the legal factors in place (Brooks & Wilkinson, 2011, p.68). The PESTEL model generally measures the market of a company (Wetherly & Otter, 2011, p.10).Political factors The Governments and political parties in a country are key factors in the establishment of a political environment (Halbert & Ingulli, 2009, p.21). The Spanish government is relatively stable and has provided measures that boost the performance of businesses. Since the main production plant is in Spain, and it's being centralized, this makes it the backbone of the company. The favorable political environment made possible by the political stabi lity in the country and favorable government policies have been a key silent factor in the success of Zara’s production unit. In addition, the government tax policies and investment policies have been favorable for the past decade of its operation in Spain and can be attributed to influence the performance of Zara positively. The company faces normal economic fluctuations like other companies such as movement in interest rates, changes in foreign exchange rates and a shift in inflation rates. ... Further, in its expansion into other countries of operation, the political support and stability was critically assessed before the decisions were made. Economic factors The company faces normal economic fluctuations like other companies such as movement in interest rates, changes in foreign exchange rates and a shift in inflation rates. However, Zara, for all its time of operation has only been dealing in a single currency. Though this had seemed to pose many transactional problems due to their large scale of operations, the company preferred to use a safer currency. This is believed to be the reason that Zara was not affected by the recession, which was caused by adverse movement in the dollar. Before its entry into new markets, the company evaluates the economic conditions of the country it wants to launch operations to ensure stability and relative predictability. Socio-cultural factors Social-cultural factors mainly include the cultural aspects in the region of operation includi ng factors such as population trends, the attitudes of the populations (Collison, 2003, p.32). Trends in socio-cultural factors have a great impact on the demand of a firms products and the operational processes of the company (Cadle & Yeates, 2010, p.33). For Zara, their element of trend chasing has led to them studying the cultural trends in terms of fashion and their attitudes towards dressing in order to give their customers a specific customised experience according to the region of operation hence gaining more market share. In addition, the company is located in a country that has firm cultural roots that contributes to its performance. Technological factors Technology is a key factor in the efficiency and effectiveness of business operations today (Kew &
Friday, November 1, 2019
Evolution and Triumph of Roman Civilization Research Paper
Evolution and Triumph of Roman Civilization - Research Paper Example Initially, the Roman civilization had a leap from a monarchy to an aristocratic republic and later into a Roman empire. â€Å"During its twelve-century history, the Roman civilization shifted from a monarchy to an oligarchic republic to an immense empire†(â€Å"History of Rome†). This paper will mainly focus on the distinct religious, political, military, economic, language and artistic structures of Roman civilization, which were the main factors that acted as the effective pillars in building up an effective empire. While focusing on the religious structure of the Roman civilization, it emerges that it mainly resembled the Greek gods. The religious practices of the Romans can be divided into three main phases. The first phase of the religious structure encompassed the three main gods namely Jupiter, Mars and Quirinus collectively known as Archaic Triad. The intervention of Greek influence in the Roman religion ultimately led to the transformation from the Archaic wor ship to more Greek dominated Captioline Triad. In this way of worship, Mars and Quirinus were replaced by Minerva and Juno. Next came the third phase, during which there was gradual diminishing of the triad worship, which was further accentuated due to the emergence of Christianity with the birth of Jesus Christ. â€Å"The beginning of the third phase and the adoption of Christianity as the official religion of the Roman empire occurred in 312 BC, upon conversion of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great†(â€Å"Roman religion†).Thus, it was from this Roman Empire, Christianity spread all throughout the world, and evolved through ages thereby becoming one of the prominent religions of the world. This part of the paper will discuss the political and military structures of Roman civilization. Initially, the Romans formed a government called ‘Republic’ where people elected the officials who governed the state, and they took care of the welfare of the voters. Furthermore, they framed their constitution popularly known as â€Å"The Constitution of Roman republic†which ensembled a complex set of unwritten laws and other traditions that depicted the political setup of ancient Romans. â€Å"Romans created their first legal code by formally writing down some of their laws, which collectively became known as the Law of the Twelve Tables†(â€Å"Rome influence Western civilization†). The essential political bodies of the Roman Republic included the highest-ranking officials called Consuls. Then the Senate which consisted of nearly three hundred men who had control over the foreign and other financial policies. Finally, the Assemblies, consisting of the Centuriate and the Tribal assembly, which performed numerous roles in the Roman Republic. The paramount feature of the Roman political structure was that women were excluded from the political activity and only men participated in the government and took over the welfare ac tivities. The other important aspect of the Roman civilization would be its military structure with the Roman legions being the key driving force behind the expansion of the Roman Empire. Well trained and disciplined military men known as the legionaries fought with both military and strategic advantage. They had sound organization capacity and the troops were well equipped with effective weapons which were quite advanced in those times. The other vital element to be discussed would be the economic structure of ancient Romans.
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